Sunday, 22 May 2011


Juz finished kemas rumah after kenduri kendara.
Huh..boley tahan jgak penatnyer.
And boley tahan jgak ramainye tetamu yg bertandang -->lbey kurang 100 org.
Alhamdulillah, murah rezeki katenyer :)
Nsb bek muat pulak muatan rumah ni.

Actually ni kenduri doa selamat sempena my parents nak menunaikan umrah 2 weeks lagi.
Kempunan la jugak coz terpaksa cancel nak follow diorang :(((
Ni gara2 by dat time aku dah start posting.
And lbey2 lagi baru je SEMINGGU start.

Haritu begayut jap dgn En Abu Bakar a.k.a pegawai KKM & he advise me to tangguh dulu umrah ni bcoz....

SATU : as a new H.O kene tagging wif senior H.O for 2 weeks. So, I will miss a lot of things which will affect my performance if aku cuti lame for the umrah.

DUA : cuti for housemanship only allowed for 10 days for each posting. Umrah tu takes about 14 days.

TIGA : he didnt think dat the department will give me such a long holiday for diz personal reason bcoz the job is the priority by dat time..

Okey, I accept dat! Then, I decided to postpone the umrah bile2 mase yg diizinkan Allah & gagahkan diri berangkat ke INDUCTION course nex wik!!!


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